This page will contain the privacy statement of your choice.
privacy policy |
Last updated: May 30, 2004 Contact the site administrator or report violation of the privacy policy at: ![]() The following explains what information is tracked and recorded on this web site and how. Submission of Content: The submission of content to this site requires registration. Once you have registered and logged in to the site, a cookie (small electronic file that identifies your computer as a user of this website) is downloaded to your computer. This allows you to access personalized information. The cookie does not contain any information about your computer, your location or any personally identifiable information. Registration: Registration with this site is not necessary to read most content here. Articles, links, images and profiles submitted by a registrant may be accessed, changed or removed at any time. To access your information, log in to the site, and click on the "my information" link that appears in the "my content" box. The information collected includes email address, gender, occupation, date of birth (shown as age), country, and any other information you wish to disclose. This information is not accessible to any other user, unless you opt to make your profile public. The only information that is required for registration is email address, password and nickname. Your email address is never shown here, and remains private. Site Statistics: Aggregate information is gathered on visitors to this site by the web hosting company that hosts this site. This information is used for web traffic reporting and site statistics. The website log files may be analysed in further depth for the purposes of technical troubleshooting only. The number of current active users that appears in the my content box is a simply a count of the computers currently connected to this site, and does not identify any visitor. The number of times viewed that appears on select pages is a count of the times this information has been accessed from the database, and does not identify any user. Your Content: Please remember that although you may be discussing something with a small number of users, this site can be read by anyone surfing the net. To protect your own privacy, please do not post any personally identifiable information. This may include any or a combination of phone numbers, addresses, first and last names, photographs, work location, etc. Email: If you have registered with this site, you may receive notification emails when your content is posted, when someone comments on an article you have written, or, if you are an editor, when content has been submitted to the section you are responsible for. These emails are automatic, and are sent through server-side scripts embedded into the webpages. If you choose to let other users contact you, email messages will be sent to you through a server-side script. The person contacting you will not be able to view your email address or any other private information. This website does not have mailing lists, and will not send you any unsolicited information other than auto-notifications regarding activity relating to your submitted content. Bulletin Board: A cookie containing the nickname you last used is sent to your computer, for your convenience. This is displayed in the name field of the post/reply form, comment on an article form, the login page and can be changed by you if you wish. If you choose to change your nickname when you submit a post or comment, you comment will be anonymous and your site nickname will not be visible to participants on the web site. Your registered site nickname is still associated with your content, even when posting anonymously and can be viewed by the web site administrators. While this information remains confidential, it may be accessed by the administrators to address cases of harassment and other misuses of anonymous posting. Editors: This site is managed by an editorial committee who maintain the quality of the content on this site. The editors are listed in the main page of their own sections. Editors are participants who have taken on responsibility for different section and have signed a code of conduct agreement. Editors will not change the wording of any article you write, and only check spelling and correct formatting of your content. You maintain editorial control of anything you submit, and can update it or remove it at any time. Site editors do not have access to any of your nonpublic information, and can not email you directly. Notifications you receive regarding the status of your submissions will be automatically generated by server-side scripts in this site. You may contact an editor through their profile here on this site, or by writing to Ad Servers: This site is not commercial in nature and does not use banner ads, partner with or have special relationships with any ad server companies. If you are experiencing popup ads when browsing this web site, the ads are not coming from this web site but your computer may contain spyware from a third party application that is installed on your computer. Third Parties: All information submitted to this site remains confidential. Moving On will never share personal information with any third party. Children: This site may contain material that is unsuitable for children. A child under the age of 13 residing in the US may not participate in discussions here without verifiable parental consent, in accordance with US Internet law. If you have any questions regarding the privacy policies of this site, or feel that this site is not following its stated information policy, you may contact the site admin at the above email address. |